Analysis of the proposed solution for the intersection of 52nd Street Tunnel in Manizales
Accessibility, Economic evaluation, Intersection, Planning, Prefeasibility, TransitAbstract
This article provides a technical analysis of the alternatives of intervention proposed by the community as an alternative to intervention project proposed by the local government to alleviate the problem of traffic at the intersection of 52nd Street in the city of Manizales (Colombia). Parallel, is evaluated a complementary proposal made by the Traffic and Transportation Secretary of the city, which is far from the originally raised by same Municipal Administration through the INVAMA. The proposals in the frame of Manizales Mobility Plan (MMP) since the point of view of urban accessibility are compared with the community and INVAMA proposals. In general, the proposals are evaluated and compared to the proposal developed by the INVAMA and de MMP showing the advantages and disadvantages of each one.
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