Algorithmic Methodology to build functions to solve processes with simple calculations using two programming paradigms


  • Omar Iván Trejos Buriticá Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira



Algorithm, Computer programming, functional programming, imperative programming, Methodology


This article presents an algorithmic methodology to construct functions to solve calculations based on simple processes using addition and subtraction, on two programming paradigms: functional programming and imperative programming using recursive and cyclical processes, respectively, each provides. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how easy it is to sol­ve some well-known problems from the simplest operations that are known and for which the computer is conditioned to calculate, so that students devise a solution to a problem through their own knowledge for meaningful learning and sense. In the methodological part, we made a presentation to students of what was to be held, the purpose, scope and achievements expected so that a comparative basis, could be formulated an algorithmic solution and implemented in two programming paradigms. We found that students give a especial importance to the relationship between new knowledge that is explained and its links with the already acquired knowledge and that whatever the solution to be implemented, and it has models that are independent of tech­nology. The research concludes that when students know the methodology which will address new knowledge, strictly follow the teacher’s hand, the coding and check the effectiveness of their learning outcomes more easily reached.


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How to Cite

Algorithmic Methodology to build functions to solve processes with simple calculations using two programming paradigms. (2017). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 14(1), 62-75.

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