The first steps in writing scientific articles in engineering


  • Yasmany Damián García Ramírez



Scientific publications, writing, research, article, engineering


The process of conducting research represents only a portion of the overall scientific work. It is complemented by the tasks of writing the scientific article, its publication, and in the future, its citation. The scientific article is a very common way of sharing knowledge. It is the product of a research process in which relevant results are obtained to be presented. This entire process can be exhausting and even frustrating when it comes to scientific publications, especially in the field of engineering, where less importance is often given to writing. Therefore, the aim of this document is to explain the basic steps for writing a scientific article in engineering. The main sections of an average article are developed, and some recommendations are highlighted to facilitate its writing. Although it is focused on engineering, some of these sections can be used in other areas of knowledge. In addition, they can be useful in writing professional reports, as they offer advice for effectively communicating a completed work.


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How to Cite

The first steps in writing scientific articles in engineering. (2023). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 20(1 (Enero-Junio).