Who is the bilingual science teacher:
Literature review
Teaching, Bilingualism, science teaching, indentityAbstract
In this review, we seek to identify how the identity of bilingual Science teachers has been conceptualized, theoretically and methodologically. For the analysis we looked for articles in the Francis & Taylor and Scopus databases, selecting 50 articles from different parts of the world which were based on the construction of a search phrase that houses the categories of interest. The found trends were: 1) The invisibility of the science teacher as an individual in bilingualism processes, 2) bilingualism policies and practices that shape the identities of science teachers, and 3) getting, usually, the language teachers in charge of teaching science in bilingual processes. We conclude by noticing that research exploring the identity of the bilingual science teacher is scarce making it necessary to problematize this issue, as well as investigate it in depth, keeping in mind that bilingualism has been normalized around the world and has been understood using English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) and a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).
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