The Unilateral Termination of the Administrative Contract in France
Contract, Termination, Unilateral, Prerogative PublicAbstract
The unilateral termination of the administrative contract implies that the administration as a party in a contract may cease to be effective before the scheduled date without the need to refer the matter to the contract judge; in these circumstances the parties are in a situation of inequality, since this prerogative only favors one of the parties to the agreement of wills.
Unilateral termination is in principle due to the fault of the other party, however, it is possible for the administration to take the decision to terminate the contract without any fault, and although in both cases certain principles such as legal certainty and equality are unknown, their exercise is justified by the general interest and offset by certain economic guarantees (the right to restore the economic balance of the contract through full compensation) and contentious (full litigation).
By attempting to take into account that in the cases stated, there must be an imputation of Administration, that is to say that the responsibility of the state for fault or without fault plays an indispensable role to give an effective application, guarantees given by law and case law
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