Football, Art and Resistance: A dialogical reading of football as art and emancipation




Critical Theory, Football, Art, Resistance, Capitalism-Colonialism


This work focuses on analysing aesthetic-sporting phenomena from a political perspective. To do so, it uses approaches from Marxism and critical theory, in principle, to elucidate the relationship between sporting act and aesthetic fact so that, later, the micro-practices of sports can be analysed from the French critical thought of G. Deleuze as phenomena of resistance (cultural or not) of the sporting activity. The analysis presented here attempts to correlate a philosophical conceptual approach, a historical sociological account of sports practices and facts, as well as a journalistic collection of eventualities and characters that outline, from their mere daily practices, exercises of resistance to the alienation of capital represented both in sport and in the culture that passes through (their) bodies generating beauty and Thanatos.


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Author Biography

  • Sergio Bedoya Cortés, Universidad Libre

    Docente Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Libre. 
    Contacto: ;  


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How to Cite

Football, Art and Resistance: A dialogical reading of football as art and emancipation. (2024). Sin Fundamento, 29, 3-24.