Inquiries into virtual mentoring in doctoral studies. A review supported by decisional heuristics for mentor selection


  • Gerardo Antonio Márquez Rondón Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile
  • María Auxiliadora Pérez Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela



Virtual Mentoring, Doctoral Studies, Decisional Heuristics, Mentor Selection


The objective of this article is to investigate the decisional heuristics used by doctoral students in management at three Venezuelan universities to choose a mentor in the context of a virtual mentoring process. Theoretically, it is a research based on the bimodal paradigm of Internet education, articulated and focused from the interpretative phenomenological paradigm. Methodologically, it is an exploratory and qualitative research, in which interviews focused on the perceptions of the students in relation to the qualities of being, knowing and doing valued in the mentor were applied for the collection of information. The results revealed that the mentor-mentee relationship in the virtual mentoring process is built on four fundamental heuristics: empathy, dedication, coherence and integrity. It can be concluded that this forms an empirical approach to the qualities of the virtual mentor that trainees require to learn the processes of successful doctoral scientific production. Therefore, it is proposed that these heuristics must be developed by them to generate confidence in the student. This work encourages mentors to develop the traits identified in academic training, in order to increase the quality of doctoral training processes.


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2022-06-01 — Updated on 2023-08-10


How to Cite

Inquiries into virtual mentoring in doctoral studies. A review supported by decisional heuristics for mentor selection. (2023). Gestión Y Desarrollo Libre, 7(13). (Original work published 2022)