Implementation of the Technical Framework for Financial Reporting (MTNIF) in Micro-enterprises of the Footwear Sector Located in the Ninth Commune of Cúcuta city


  • Luz Estela Duran Caicedo Universidad Libre
  • Freddy Yovanny Aponte Botello Universidad Libre
  • Claudia Elizabeth Toloza Martínez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



Regulatory Technical Framework, SMEs, Microenterprises, Footwear Sector, Perceptions


To know the perceptions of Microentrepreneurs in the footwear sector on the Application of the Technical Framework for Financial Information (MTNIF), which refers to get the causation accounting required by Decree 2706/2012, that was the objective of this investigation. A descriptive study was carried out with 45 Microentrepreneurs in the footwear sector, located in the ninth commune of Cúcuta city, people who a questionnaire was applied to know their perceptions about the application of this Normative Technical Framework. It found out that the Microentrepreneurs are not aware of the MTNIF, they have not applied what the Decree demands; just three micro-enterprises do they report that the accountant informed them about this normative requirement. It is evident the importance of training Microentrepreneurs in this sector, which is an opportunity for the Center for Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Development University Libre (CEIDEUL) to develop extension activities in response to the needs identified in the research


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2017-06-01 — Updated on 2023-06-06
