E-Government: An empirical study in municipalities
E-Government, Information and Communication Technologies, MunicipalitiesAbstract
The objective of this paper is to analyze e-government in the municipalities of the state of Táchira, Venezuela. The study is quantitative. In this regard, a questionnaire with dichotomous questions divided into two parts is applied, the first one integrated by twelve items in order to evaluate the application of Electronic Government in the municipalities and the second part integrated by eleven items in order to evaluate the pros and cons of Electronic Government. The sample was intentional and non-probabilistic and was integrated by eighteen managers of the municipalities. The results reveal that e-government is being implemented, but there is still a long way to go. With the advance and popularization of information and communication technologies, which are fundamental for the development and implementation of E-Government, it is unjustifiable that today's municipal governments do not take advantage of the benefits offered by technologies. It is concluded that although the vast majority of municipalities have the necessary elements to implement e-government efficiently, there is still much to be done in this regard since basic tools are being used. The benefits offered by technologies for efficient management and better interaction with the communities are not being taken.
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