Trends in integrated logistics and supply chain research focused on achieving process quality
Bibliometric Analysis, Supply Chains, Process Quality, Integrated LogisticsAbstract
Logistics management is crucial for improving the quality of business processes, as it directly impacts customer satisfaction and profitability. The objective of the research is to analyze the scientific production of integrated logistics and supply chains focused on the achievement of process quality. The research paradigm is mixed, based on a descriptive and retrospective bibliometric analysis, complemented by a documentary review, according to the principles of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses methodology in the SCOPUS, Scielo, and Google academic databases during the period 1998 to 2024. The behavior of the research is heterogeneous, with a positive trend characterized by a linear function where research articles in the area of engineering predominate. The top-producing countries are China and India. Four lines of scientific research are identified, in addition to an analysis of authors and citation levels in the subject. Logistics emerges as an essential component in modern business management and impacts the quality of business processes as it directly impacts customer satisfaction and profitability.
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