Emergency Remote Education: challenges, assessment and ethics in virtual learning
Virtual Education, Meaningful Learning, Virtual Evaluation, Ethics, Teaching, Learning, EnvironmentAbstract
This academic work is framed in a bibliographic and audiovisual material review, originated from the author's concern about the learning obtained by the students due to the change produced by the COVID-19 pandemic in universities that had a tradition of face-to-face teaching and that migrated to a virtual model in order not to stop their work. During this period, the term Virtual Education was used to refer to this new context, in which it was intended to make up for the lack of face-to-face teaching. However, the correct term for such a situation is Emergency Remote Education. For the review of theoretical and empirical material, the publication interval from 2015 to 2021 is defined, as well as the descriptors and search and discard criteria. The analysis allows identifying five themes, namely: virtual education, evaluation, the role of the teacher, the role of the learner, and learning. The results obtained provide a compendium of systematized and accessible information. In addition, the correspondence between teaching and evaluation activities is visualized, as well as the ethical component that entails the possibility of bad practices that disguise real learning in accordance with the objectives of their courses.
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