The comprehensive and decolonial management of conflicts




Conflict, Conflict management, Decolonialism, Mediation, Equity, Justice


The purpose of this research work is to open a deep reflection on conflict management, describing the conflict and how it can be managed in an integral way in human relations, considering a decolonial point of view. It seeks to challenge the traditional structures of conflict management that have perpetuated inequality and injustice, promoting a model of solidarity and integration that considers justice, equity, and respect for human dignity. The fundamental objective is to offer an integrative, comprehensive, and profound view of how it is possible to manage conflicts constructively, considering the socio-cultural dynamics that influence them. The research is framed in a qualitative, descriptive, documentary review methodology, which allows a deep and critical review of the existing literature on the subject of study. The results reveal key aspects that highlight the need to transform the way in which conflict is managed, starting with the transformation of traditional power structures that have maintained conflict management in terms of inequality, asymmetry, control, and coercion and moving towards a model of solidarity and integral mediation that favors management in terms of equity and justice.


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