Social entrepreneurship as a factor in the development of MSMES in Mexico. Reference of two case studies
Social Entrepreneurship, Development, MsmesAbstract
Social entrepreneurship has great relevance and is therefore reflected in the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises of various countries. However, within the Latin American and Caribbean region, its presence is even more prominent due to its level of development and its strategic global location, being an inter-oceanic region in the communication both area and international maritime; also, it is in that part of the American continent in which Mexico is located. Therefore, it is part of the contextualization that gives reference to the paper to address national experiences in the field. The objective of the paper is to study the incidence of social entrepreneurship in the development of smaller companies in Mexico, taking two cases as a reference. The paper delves into social entrepreneurship as a factor in the development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Mexico, a member country of the Latin American and Caribbean region, based on theoretical categories, including its presence in the private initiative, its trajectory of progress in the country, an analysis of national companies, culminating with an orientation towards two specific case studies, which are rural and emblematic of applied social entrepreneurship. The results reveal that Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises can be promoted from social entrepreneurship, taking into consideration the case studies in which social initiatives can lead to small enterprises. The work is a relevant topic that has yet to be explored much, with long-term horizons, and contributes to the knowledge of the private and social sectors, with or without governmental support.
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