Burnout Syndrome is associated with technostress and pedagogical practices during the pandemic confinement by Sars-Cov2/Covid-19 in some academic operation centers of UNIMINUTO





SARS-COV2/COVID-19, Burnout Syndrome, Technostress, Work-at-Home, Pandemic


The sanitary emergency declared after the appearance of the SARS-COV2/COVID-19 virus triggered profound changes in the economic, social, and political daily life in Colombia, affecting various productive and academic sectors, among them, education and professional training at the primary, secondary, and higher education levels, respectively. Thus, this case study focuses on analyzing the impacts of technostress derived from the pedagogical practices of some Academic Operations Centers of the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios and its relationship with the appearance of Burnout syndrome among the 163 teachers dedicated to the substantive functions of teaching and research in times of pandemic. For this purpose, a Multiple Correspondence Analysis is performed for the sociodemographic variables and the variables associated with technostress and Burnout syndrome, as well as the implementation of the Kuorinka Nordic Questionnaire with the objective of detecting and analyzing musculoskeletal symptoms applicable in the context of ergonomic studies such as in the case of UNIMINUTO, a Multiple Correspondence Analysis with hierarchical clustering is also carried out in order to establish hierarchical associations between musculoskeletal factors and the appearance of warning signs associated with Burnout syndrome. Finally, it is found that variables such as gender and academic training are exclusive to those suffering from burnout syndrome, but not with the seniority of teachers and the practices and postures assumed by teachers during their work practice. This study provides a more detailed view of how technostress and burnout syndrome affect teachers during times of pandemic and how they can be mitigated through stress management strategies and psychological support.


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2024-06-24 — Updated on 2024-10-21
