Socioeconomic Impact of the Refinery “Olmeca – Dos bocas” in the Productive Sectors in the Municipality of Paraiso, Tabasco
Productive sector, Investment, Economy,, Refinery, InfrastructureAbstract
This research allows us to know the impact that the productive sectors have within the economy of the municipality of Paraíso and to determine the changes that the big projects have in the region. The objective of this research is to analyze the socio-economic impact of the "Olmeca - Dos Bocas" Refinery on the Productive Sectors in the Municipality of Paraíso, Tabasco, to observe the change that this project causes in the different productive sectors. Therefore, a methodology with a quantitative approach is carried out, which, through data collection, allowed the development of a questionnaire that was applied to 50 people among the three productive sector experts in the field, which has a scope that evaluates the level of income of the population of the sectors studied, as well as the level of socio-economic contribution that these sectors generate to the municipality. It is evident that the primary sector contributes 18.00% to the socio-economy of the municipality, the secondary sector 29.00%, and the tertiary sector 53.00%, which generates a socio-economic change. Finally, it is concluded that an infrastructure such as the "Olmeca - Dos Bocas" refinery can change a region's socio-economic level. Thus, the investment in a large-scale infrastructure generates socio-economic changes in a population or the productive sectors of the region.
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