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The Ampersand Method in Problem Solving




Method, Innovation, Education, Creativity, Processes, Ideas


The objective of the work is to identify areas of opportunity and problems within a workgroup, organization, institution, or educational program through precise steps to generate ideas for creative solutions. The method used to develop the solution is the Bernd Löbach Method (1981), which is structured in four phases: phase 1: analysis of the problem, phase 2: solutions to the problem, phase 3: evaluation of the solutions to the problem and phase 4: realization of the solution to the problem. As a result, the design of a new method was obtained, which makes this tool available to users, with eight precise steps to obtain creative solutions to problems detected in specific contexts. This method is in the registration process before the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property (IMPI). It will be available to the general public for its use and exploitation as knowledge generation. It is necessary to have an innovative method to guide the steps of the work team to follow a path toward probable solutions with certainty. Due to its theoretical and creative foundation, the Ampersand Method allows identifying and solving problems and areas of opportunity to have greater certainty. The work teams can have greater certainty in each step of the process.


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How to Cite

Santana-Martínez , J. A., Romero-Vásquez, E. N., & Madrid-Moreno, O. A. (2023). The Ampersand Method in Problem Solving. Gestión Y Desarrollo Libre, 9(17).