Severity of Computer Vision Syndrome in computer-using workers: assessment of the association with Healthy Lifestyle and Dry Eye condition
Occupational Safety and Health, Lifestyle, Visual Health, Workers, Computer Users, Occupational ExposureAbstract
Emerging risks at work can be caused by new information and communication technologies, such as computer use, which can generate new alterations to workers' health, such as Computer Vision Syndrome, which sociodemographic factors, lifestyle, and dry eye can determine. This work aims to evaluate the association between Computer Visual Syndrome severity with a healthy lifestyle and dry eye syndrome in computer users in a quantitative, observational, cross- sectional study with analytical intentionality in a sample of 300 workers of a public higher education institution in Colombia in 2022. The results show significant correlation levels in the total Computer Visual Syndrome severity scores with a totally healthy lifestyle and dry eye. A review points out that physical activity and stress management differ significantly in the different levels of Computer Vision Syndrome severity. Dry eye symptoms, conditions, and actions vary significantly among Computer Vision Syndrome severity levels. The findings support the proposal of an occupational health surveillance system to generate a healthy work environment, strengthening the ability of workers to acquire healthy lifestyles through health- promoting behaviors and address problems such as dry eye and Computer Vision Syndrome. This research provides an empirical contribution to the actions of the occupational safety and health management system related to the promotion of visual and eye health, as well as contributing to an operational definition of a healthy lifestyle that encourages the management of behaviors that promote the safety and health of the worker concerning the syndrome mentioned above.
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