What is Impression Management within the narrative financial information that companies are required to present?


  • María Yohana Noguera López Universidad Abierta Interamericana (UAI),




Qualitative Information, Impression Management, Companies, Accounting


The research aims to analyze the theoretical bases on the use of Impression Management techniques in the presentation of narrative accounting information. By design, it is a qualitative and interpretative study, of documentary type, since it pursues to make a bibliographic review about the research background that exists on the theory of impression management in the field of psychology, where it was initially originated; and then the applications it has had within the accounting discipline. Partial results of the research are presented, separated into two thematic axes: narrative information and Impression Management. Regarding narrative information, it is used to complement or deepen explanations on quantified accounting facts, or not, and disclosed in the mandatory financial statements, generally called notes to the financial statements, but it can also be voluntary information (not legally required). Regarding Impression Management, also called impression management, it can be used by companies in the presentation of narrative information through concealment strategies and attribution strategies.


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2023-07-20 — Updated on 2023-09-18


How to Cite

Noguera López, M. Y. (2023). What is Impression Management within the narrative financial information that companies are required to present?. Gestión Y Desarrollo Libre, 8(16). https://doi.org/10.18041/2539-3669/gestionlibre.16.2023.10492 (Original work published 2023)