Dashboard supported by business intelligence for decision making in the health sector


  • Carlos Andrés Dorado Bastidas
  • Eduar Yecit Córdoba Campos
  • Gabriel Elías Chanchí Golondrino




Business Intelligence, Dashboard, Health, Morbidity, Promotion And Prevention


This article aims to propose a dashboard supported by business intelligence (BI) as a support for strategic decision making in the Health Unit belonging to the University of Cauca with respect to patient morbidities, costs of care and investment in professionals. At the methodological level, CRISP-DM was used, defining six phases: business understanding, data understanding, data pre-processing, modeling, evaluation and finally deployment. As a result, it was found that the most common morbidities are: essential hypertension, dentin caries and excessive tooth attrition. Likewise, it was found that the specialty that demands the highest costs for the Health Unit is dentistry. Therefore, it is possible to indicate that the dashboard based on business intelligence is of vital importance for decision making in the context of preventive health with respect to morbidities by age range. In conclusion, the proposed dashboard serves as a support to the staff and administrative personnel of the Health Unit of the Universidad del Cauca in the design of contingency, promotion and prevention plans.


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2023-05-19 — Updated on 2023-09-18


How to Cite

Dorado Bastidas, C. A., Córdoba Campos, E. Y., & Chanchí Golondrino, G. E. (2023). Dashboard supported by business intelligence for decision making in the health sector. Gestión Y Desarrollo Libre, 8(16). https://doi.org/10.18041/2539-3669/gestionlibre.16.2023.10226 (Original work published 2023)