The university student's assessment of the quality of the education service


  • César Ramiro Chaparro Pinzón



Quality of Service, Servqual, Servperf, Dimensions


The objective of this article is to present the results on the perception of the quality of the education service by the students of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia Seccional Duitama, found through a measurement instrument, based on service marketing, specifically on the Servperf model. According to the psychometric results, it is concluded that the scale or measurement instrument has reliability and empirical validity to perform the measurement. The goodness-of-fit indices for the measurement model are χ²/g.l. 1.804; RMR 0.053; GFI 0.867; AGFI 0.834; PGFI 0.696; NFI 0.803; IFI 0.901; CFI 0.900; RMSEA 0.059. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the final model is 0.910 and for the different dimensions the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was: tangibility 0.703; reliability 0.707; responsiveness 0.705; security 0.838; empathy 0.729. The overall rating on the perception of quality is 3.36 and no significant differences are found between the male and female genders and also between the different ages. The dimensions that are below the overall rating are tangibility and empathy, and the dimensions that exceed it are reliability, security and empathy. This work makes it possible to identify the dimensions on which students base their judgments about the quality of the educational service; the university must manage these dimensions and their items in order to achieve maximum efficiency in its management. Likewise, it must be very attentive to ensure that the actors involved in the educational process perform their functions effectively and with a sense of belonging.


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2023-03-29 — Updated on 2023-09-11


How to Cite

The university student’s assessment of the quality of the education service. (2023). Gestión Y Desarrollo Libre, 8(15). (Original work published 2023)