Consequências neurobiológicas do abuso sexual na infância: revisão da literatura.
Abuso sexual infantil, Neurobiologia, Consequências neurobiológicasResumo
Objetivo: Descrever as consequências neurobiológicas em crianças e adolescentes com história de abuso sexual infantil (ASI). Metodologia: Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura entre os anos de 2015 a 2020 em três bases de dados (Pubmed, Scopus, Scielo), utilizando as palavras-chave: abuso sexual infantil, neurobiologia e as palavras correspondentes em inglês. Foram coletadas informações sobre os tipos de alterações neurobiológicas (estruturais, funcionais, endócrinas, psicológicas, imunológicas e genéticas) em crianças e adolescentes com histórico de ASI. Foram excluídos os artigos cujo título ou resumo não contemplasse os tópicos desta revisão. Resultados: foram selecionados 99 estudos associados às consequências neurobiológicas da ASI, com as consequentes alterações estruturais, funcionais, endócrinas, imunológicas e genéticas que afetam um número significativo de vítimas. Conclusões: Diversos estudos encontraram relação entre a exposição à ASI e alterações neurobiológicas, evidenciando o impacto desse tipo de violência na saúde das vítimas, o que permite promover a necessidade de intervenções precoces e de tratamento adequado considerando suas múltiplas consequências , alguns irreversíveis.
AAS, Monica; DIESET, Ingrid; MØRCH, Ragni; STEEN, Nils Eiel; HOPE, Sigrun; REPONEN, Elina J.; LASKEMOEN, Jannicke F.; UELAND, Thor; AUKRUST, Pål; MELLE, Ingrid; AGARTZ, Ingrid; ANDREASSEN, Ole A. Reduced brain-derived neurotrophic factor is associated with childhood trauma experiences and number of depressive episodes in severe mental disorders. In: Schizophrenia Research. March 2019. vol. 205, p. 45-50.
AAS, Monica; DIESET, Ingrid; HOPE, Sigrun; HOSETH, Eva; MØRCH, Ragni; REPONEN, Elina; STEEN, Nils Eiel; LASKEMOEN, Jannicke Fjæra; UELAND, Thor; AUKRUST, Pål; AGARTZ, Ingrid; ANDREASSEN, Ole A.; MELLE, Ingrid. Childhood maltreatment severity is associated with elevated C-reactive protein and body mass index in adults with schizophrenia and bipolar diagnoses. In: Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. October 2017. vol. 65, p. 342-349.
AHMED LEITAO, Fatima; ROSENSTEIN, David; MARX, Melanie; YOUNG, Susanne; KORTE, Kristina; SEEDAT, Soraya. Posttraumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder and childhood trauma: Differences in hippocampal subfield volume. In: Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. February 2019, vol. 284, p 45-52.
ALAMEDA, L.; FERRARI, C.; BAUMANN, P. S.; REZAEE, M. Gholam; DO, K. Q.; CONUS, P. Childhood sexual and physical abuse: age at exposure modulates impact on functional outcome in early psychosis patients. In: Psychol Med. October 2015. vol. 45, no 13, p. 2727-2736.
ALMUNEEF, Maha. Long term consequences of child sexual abuse in Saudi Arabia: A report from national study. In: Child Abuse & Neglect. Marzo 2019, vol. 116, parte 1.
AMORES VILLALBA, Alejandro; MATEOS MATEOS, Rocío. Revisión de la neuropsicología del maltrato infantil: la neurobiología y el perfil neuropsicológico de las víctimas de abusos en la infancia. En: Revista Psicología educativa. Agosto 2017, vol. 23, p 81-88.
ANDERSON, George; MAES, Michael. The Biological Underpinnings of Mood Disorders Interact With Early Trauma, Sexual Abuse and Neuroticism: Implications for Psychiatric Classification and Treatment. In: Inflammation and Immunity in Depression Basic Science and Clinical Applications. Academic Press. Bernhard T. Baune. 2018. p. 549-567.
ANKITA MISHRA, Aura; MARCEAU, Kristine. Co-occurring childhood maltreatment exposure and depressive symptoms in adulthood: Testing differential effects of stress dysregulation and perceived stress. In: Aging & Mental Health. November 2020. vol.24, n.11, p. 1837-1846.
ASHBY, D. Bethany; KAUL, Paritosh. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder After Sexual Abuse in Adolescent Girls. In: Journal Pediatric Adolescent Gynecology. December 2016. vol. 29, no. 6, p. 531–536.
BASILE, Kathlenn; SMITH, Sharonn; CHEN, Jieru; ZWALD, Marissa. Chronic Diseases, Health Conditions, and Other Impacts Associated With Rape Victimization of U.S. Women. In: SAGE journals. Enero 2020, p. 1-17.
BATCHELDER, Abigail W.; SAFREN, Steven A.; COLEMAN, Jessica N.; BOROUGHS, Michael S.; THIIM, Aron; IRONSON, Gail H.; SHIPHERD, Jillian C.; O’CLEIRIGH, Conall. Indirect Effects from Childhood Sexual Abuse Severity to PTSD: The Role of Avoidance Coping. In: Journal of Interpersonal Violence. september 2018. vol.36, n.1, p. 9-10.
BEN AMITAY, Galit; KIMCHI, Nir; WOLMER, Leo; TOREN, Paz. Psychophysiological Reactivity in Child Sexual Abuse. In: Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. March 2016, vol.25, p 185 – 200.
BILEK, Edda; L ITZ, Marlena; STÖßEL, Gabriela; MA, Ren; BERHE, Oksana; CLEMENT, Laura; ZANG, Zhenxiang; ROBNIK, Lydia; PLICHTA, Michael M; NEUKEL, Corinne; SCHMAHL, Christian; KIRSCH, Peter; MEYER LINDENBERG, Andreas; TOST, Heike. Deficient Amygdala Habituation to Threatening Stimuli in Borderline Personality Disorder Relates to Adverse Childhood Experiences. In: Biological Psychiatry. june 2019. vol. 86, n. 12, p. 930-938.
BLANCO, Lyzette; NYDEGGER, Liesl; CAMARILLO, Giselle; TRINIDAD, Dennis; SCHRAMM, Emily; AMES, Susan. Neurological changes in brain structure and functions among individuals with a history of childhood sexual abuse: A review. In: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Octubre 2015, vol. 57, P. 63-69.
BOILLAT, Coralie; SCHWAB, Nathalie; STUTZ, Matthias; PFLUEGER, Marlon O; GRAF, Marc; ROSBURG, Timm. Neuroticism as a risk factor for child abuse in victims of childhood sexual abuse. In: Child Abuse & Neglect. june 2017. vol.68, p. 44-54.
BROWN, Amanda; FIORI, M. Laura; TURECKI, Gustavo. Bridging basic and clinical research in early life adversity, DNA methylation, and major depressive disorder. In: Front Genet. March 2019. vol. 22, no. 10, p. 1–10.
BUDHIRAJA, Meenal; SAVIC, Ivanka; LINDNER, Philip; JOKINEN, Jussi; TIIHONEN, Jari; HODGINS, Sheilagh. Brain structure abnormalities in young women who presented conduct disorder in childhood/adolescence. In: Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. July 2017. vol. 17, p. 869–885.
BUSSO, Daniel S.; MCLAUGHLIN, Katie A.; BRUECK, Stephanie; PEVERILL, Matthew; GOLD, Andrea L.; SHERIDAN, Margaret A. Child Abuse, Neural Structure, and Adolescent Psychopathology: A Longitudinal Study. In: J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. February 2017, vol. 56, p 321 – 328.
CALEM, Maria; BROMIS, Konstantinos; MCGUIRE, Philip; MORGAN, Craig, KEMPTOM, Matthew J. Meta-analysis of associations between childhood adversity and hippocampus and amygdala volume in non-clinical and general population samples. In: NeuroImage: Clinical. 2017, vol. 15, p 471 – 479.
CANTÓN CORTÉS, David; CORTÉS ARBOLEDA, María Rosario. Consecuencias del abuso sexual infantil: una revisión de las variables intervinientes. En: An Psicol / Ann Psychol. Abril 2015. vol. 31, n.2, p. 552–561.
CARDOZO QUINTANA, Irama. Efectos del Antecedente de abuso, rumiación, ansiedad y depresión sobre la contracción paradójica del puborrectal. En: Revista Colombiana de Psicología. 2018. vol. 27, n.2, p. 31-49.
CARSON, Mary Y.; THURSTON, Rebecca C. Childhood abuse and vasomotor symptoms among midlife women. In: The Journal of The North American Menopause Society. October 2019. vol. 26, no. 10, p. 1093-1099.
CASSIERS, Laura L.; SABBLE, Bernard G.; SCHMAAL, Lianne; VELTMAN, Dick J.; PENNINX, Brenda W., DEN EEDE, Filip Den. Structural and Functional Brain Abnormalities Associated with Exposure to Different Childhood Trauma Subtypes: A Systematic Review of Neuroimaging Findings. In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. August 2018, vol. 9, p 329.
CERDA MOLINA, Ana Lilia; BORRÁZ LEÓN, Javier Iván; MAYAGOITIA NOVALES, Lilian; GASPAR DEL RÍO, Alina Teresita. Reactividad del cortisol y salud mental en adultos expuestos a violencia temprana: revisión sistemática. En: Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública. 2017, vol. 41, P. 171.
CHECKNITA, David; EKSTRÖM, Tomas J.; COMASCO, Erika; NILSSON, Kent W.; TIIHONEN, Jari; HODGINS, Sheilagh. Associations of monoamine oxidase A gene first exon methylation with sexual abuse and current depression in women. In: Journal of Neural Transmission. July 2018. vol. 125, no. 7, p. 1053-1064.
CHIESA, Antonia; GOLDSON, Edward. Child Sexual Abuse. In: Pediatrics in Review. Marzo 2017, vol 38 (3), p. 105-117.
CICCHETTI, Dante; HANDLEY, Elizabeth D. Child maltreatment and the development of substance use and disorder. In: Neurobiology of Stress. February 2019. vol. 10, 100144.
COUGHLAN, Helen; CANNON, Mary. Does childhood trauma play a role in the aetiology of psychosis? A review of recent evidence. In: BJPsych Advances. April 2018. vol.23, no. 5, p. 307-315.
CROUCH, Elizabeth; STROMPOLIS, Melissa; RADCLIFF, Elizabeth; SRIVASTAV, Aditi. Examining exposure to adverse childhood experiences and later outcomes of poor physical and mental health among South Carolina adults. In: Children and Youth Services Review. Enero 2018 vol. 84, p. 193-197.
CUBELLIS, Michelle A.; ELLING PETERSON, Bryce; HENNINGEr, Alana M.; DAIWON, Lee. Childhood Sexual Abuse and Antisocial Traits and Behaviors: A Gendered Examination of the Factors Associated with Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence. In: Journal of Interpersonal Violence. March 2016. vol. 33, n.20, p. 3125-3161.
D’ELIA, Ana T. D.; MATSUZAKA, T. Camila; NETO, Jair B.B.; MELLO, Marcelo F.; JURUENA, Mario F.; MELLO, F. Andrea. Childhood sexual abuse and indicators of immune activity: A systematic review. In: Front Psychiatry. August 2018. vol. 6, no. 9, p. 354.
DUQUE ALARCÓN, Xochitl; ALCALÁ LOZANO, Ruth; GONZÁLEZ OLVERA, Jorge J; GARZA VILLARREAL, Eduardo; PELLICER, Francisco. Effects of Childhood Maltreatment on Social Cognition and Brain Functional Connectivity in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients. In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. March 2019. vol.10, n.156, p. 1-11.
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FARAVELLI, Carlo; MANSUETO, Giovanni; PALMIERI, Sara; LO SAURO, Carolina; ROTELLA, Francesco; PIETRINI, Francesco; FIORAVANTI, Giulia. Childhood Adversity, Cortisol Levels, and Psychosis: A Retrospective Investigation. In: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. July 2017, vol. 205, p 574 – 579.
FRANCO, Alvaro; RAMÍREZ, Luis. Child sexual abuse: Clinical perspectives and ethico-legal dilemmas. In: Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Marzo 2016, vol. 45 (1), P. 51–8.
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GIRALDO, Erika Alejandra; NEUENFELD MUNHOZ, Tiago; LORET DE MOLA, Christian; MURRAY, Joseph. Gender differences in the effects of childhood maltreatment on adult depression and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis. In: Child Abuse & Neglect. Mayo 2018, vol. 79, p. 107–114.
GUZMAN DIAZ, Alma V.; TRUJANO RUIZ, Patricia. La Aproximación Dialógica al Abuso Sexual Infantil y sus ‘Efectos’ Sexuales: La Experiencia de un Hombre con Identidad Gay. In: The Qualitative Report. Octubre 2019, vol. 24, p 2536-2553.
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HAILES, Helen P.; YU, Rongqin; DANESE, Andrea; FAZEL, Seena. Long-term outcomes of childhood sexual abuse: an umbrella review. In: Lancet Psychiatry. October 2019. vol. 6, no. 10, p. 830-839.
HANNAN, Susan M; ORCUTT, Holly K; MIRON, Lynsey R; THOMPSON, Kristen L. Childhood Sexual Abuse and Later Alcohol-Related Problems: Investigating the Roles of Revictimization, PTSD, and Drinking Motivations Among College Women. In: Journal of Interpersonal Violence. June 2015. vol.32, n.14, p. 2118–2138.
HERZOG, Julia; SCHMAHL, Christian. Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Consequences on Neurobiological, Psychosocial, and Somatic Conditions Across the Lifespan. In: Frontiers in Psychaitry. Septiembre 2018, vol. 9 (420), p. 1-8.
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KELLNERA, Michael; MUHTZA, Christoph; WEINÅSA, Åsa; ĆURIĆA, Stjepan; YASSOURIDISC, Alexander; WIEDEMANNA, Klaus. Impact of physical or sexual childhood abuse on plasma DHEA, DHEA-S and cortisol in a low-dose dexamethasone suppression test and on cardiovascular risk parameters in adult patients with major depression or anxiety disorders. In: Psychiatry Research. December 2018. vol.270, p. 744–748.
KIDMAN, Rachel; PICCOLO, Luciane R; KOHLER, Hans Peter. Adverse Childhood Experiences: Prevalence and Association with Adolescent Health in Malawi. In: American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Diciembre 2019, vol. 58, p 285 – 293.
KIM, Shin Tae; HWANG, Syung Shick; KIM, Hae Won; HWANG, Eun Hee; CHO, Jaeil; KANG, Jee In, KIM, Se Joo. Multidimensional impulsivity as a mediator of early life stress and alcohol dependence. In: Scientific Reports. March 2018. vol. 8, no. 4104, p. 1-9.
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MAALOUF, Oulma; DAIGNEAULT, Isabelle; DARGAN, Sonia; MCDUFF, Pierre; FRAPPIER, Jean-Yves. Relationship between Child Sexual Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders and Infectious Diseases: A Matched-Cohort Study. In: Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. February 2020.vol. 29, p. 749-768.
MACEDO, Brisa Burgos; VON WERNE, Cristiane; MENEZES-CASTRO, Itaina; JURUENA, Mario F. Child Abuse and Neglect as Risk Factors for Comorbidity Between Depression and Chronic Pain in Adulthood. In: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. July 2019, vol. 207, p 538 – 545.
MAIA, Natali; OKAWA, Gabriel; CASTANHO, Cristiana; SAFFI, Fabiana; MARTINS, Daniel; DE PADUA, Antonio. Psychological evaluation of children victims of sexual abuse: development of a protocol. In: Heliyon. March 2020. vol.6, n.3, E03552.
MARTÍNEZ RUDAS, Milena; BAENA VALENCIA, Stefany; CRISSIEN, Tito José; PÉREZ GARCÍA, Ismael; PREGO DE OLIVER Jesús Santolaya. Sentencia judicial, delito sexual y pericial psicológica: enfoque transcultural. En: Universitas Psychologica. April 2018. vol.17, n.2, p. 1-11.
MARUSAK, Hilary A.; IADIPAOLO, Allesandra S.; HARPER, Felicity W.; ELRAHAL, Farrah; TAUB, Jeffrey W.; GOLDBERG, Elimelech; RABINAK, Christine A. Neurodevelopmental consequences of pediatric cancer and its treatment: applying an early adversity framework to understanding cognitive, behavioral, and emotional outcomes. In: Neuropsychol Review. December 2017, vol. 28, p 123 – 175.
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MEDINA, María del Pilar; CARO KAHN, Inés; MUÑOZ HUERTA, Pamela; LEYVA SÁNCHEZ, Janette; MORENO CALIXTO, José; VEGA, Sarah María. Neurodesarrollo infantil: características normales y signos de alarma en el niño menor de cinco años. In: Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica. 2015, vol. 32(3), P. 565-73.
MIRHASHEM, Rebecca; ALLEN, Holley; ADAMS, Zachary; STOLK COOKE, Katherine; LEGRAND, Alison; PRICE, Matthew. The intervening role of urgency on the association between childhood maltreatment, PTSD, and substance-related problems. In: Addictive Behaviors. Junio 2017, vol. 69, p. 98-103.
MITCHELL, Ryan; HANNA, Donncha; BRENNAN, Kate; CURRAN, David; MCDERMOTT, Brian; RYAN, Margaret; CRAIG, Kelly; MCCULLOUGH, Emma; WALLACE, Paulette; DYER, Kevin. Alienation Appraisals Mediate the Relationships between Childhood Trauma and Multiple Markers of Posttraumatic Stress. In: Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. Noviembre 2020, vol. 13, p. 11–19.
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MUTLUER, Tuba; ŞAR, Vedat; KOSE DEMIRAY, Çiğdem; ARSLAN Harun; TAMER, Sibel; INAL, Serap; KAÇAR, Anil Ş. Lateralization of Neurobiological Response in Adolescents with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Related to Severe Childhood Sexual Abuse: the Tri-Modal Reaction (T-MR) Model of Protection. In: Journal of Trauma & Dissociation. April 2017, vol. 19, p 108 – 125.
NASCA, Carla; WATSON LIN, Kathleen; BIGIO, Benedetta; ROBAKIS, Thalia K; MYORAKU, Alison, WROOLIE, Tonita E.; McEWEN, Bruce S., RASGON, Natalie. Childhood trauma and insulin resistance in patients suffering from depressive disorders. Experimental Neurology. In: Experimental Neurology. May 2019, vol. 315, p 15 – 20.
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RINNE ALBERS, Mirjam A.; PANNEKOEK, J. Nienke; VAN HOOF, Marie-José; VAN LANG, Natasja D.; LAMERS WINKELMANF, Francien, ROMBOUTSC, Serge A.; VAN DER WEEC, Nic J.; VERMEIRENA, Robert R. Anterior cingulate cortex grey matter volume abnormalities in adolescents with PTSD after childhood sexual abuse. In: European Neuropsychopharmacology. November 2017. vol. 27, no. 11, p. 1163-1171.
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SCHREPF, Andrew; NALIBOFF, Bruce; WILLIAMS, David A; STEPHENS SHIELDS, Alisa J; LANDIS, Richard; GUPTA, Arpana; MAYER, Emeran; RODRIGUEZ, Larissa V; LAI, Henry; LUO, Yi; BRADLEY, Catherine; KREDER, Karl; LUTGENDORF, Susan K. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Symptoms of Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Chronic Pelvic Pain Research Network Study. In: Annals of Behavioral Medicine. February 2018. vol. 52, n.10, p. 865-877.
SCIOLI SALTER, Erica R.; JOHNIDES, Benjamin D.; MITCHELL, Karen S.; SMITH, Brian N.; RESICK, Patricia A.; RASMUSSON, M. Ann. Depression and Dissociation as Predictors of Physical Health Symptoms Among Female Rape Survivors with PTSD. In: Psychol Trauma. September 2016; vol. 8, no. 5, p. 585–591.
SHRIVASTAVA, Amresh; KARIA, Sagar; SONAVANE, Sushma; De SOUSA, Avinash. Child sexual abuse and the development of psychiatric disorders: a neurobiological trajectory of pathogenesis. In: Industrial Psychiatry Journal. Enero 2017, vol. 26 (1), P. 4-12.
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