Neurobiological consequences of sexual abuse in childhood. Literature review
Child abuse sexual, Neurobiology, Neurobiological consequencesAbstract
Objective. To describe the neurobiological consequences in children and adolescents with a history of child sexual abuse (CSA). Methodology: A literature review was carried out between the years 2015 to 2020 in three databases (Pubmed, Scopus, Scielo), using the keywords: child sexual abuse, neurobiology and the corresponding words in English. Information was collected about the types of neurobiological alterations (structural, functional, endocrine, psychological, immunological and genetic) in children and adolescents with a history of CSA. Articles whose title or abstract did not include the topics of this review were excluded. Results: 99 studies associated with the neurobiological consequences of CSA were selected, with the consequent structural, functional, endocrine, immunological and genetic alterations that affect a significant number of victims. Conclusions: Several studies have found a relationship between exposure to CSA with neurobiological changes, thus making visible the impact of this type of violence on the health of the victims, which allows promoting the need for early interventions and adequate treatment taking into account its multiple consequences, some irreversible.
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