Constructions for transgender social group rights


  • Jimena Cardona-Cuervo



Transgender social group, social rights, fundamental rights, public policy, diversity


This article is based on the social rights of a social transgender group, traditionally discriminate by society, which denies them of their own identity, worthy life and the right of a better and happy life. In this modern society, it is assume the acceptance of equal rights without distinctions of gender, which has suppress the correlation between gender and exclusion. They are not able to eliminate the effects of the exclusion in which some groups are submitted, in consequence this attend against their dignity, particularly in transgender group. In this sense and to obtain some concretions of the fundamental and social rights of every person, it is accurate to drop out the conception of society that force a person to identify themself exclusively as Men or Woman, also to implant a new paradigm related with the existence of a democratic citizenship that include a public integral politic and contemplate the construction of genders identities no regulated.


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How to Cite

Constructions for transgender social group rights. (2016). Entramado, 12(2), 84-95.

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