Bullying due to sexual orientation among male students
Homophobic bullying, School violenceAbstract
his article is a derivation of the research called “Bullying in a male school context” developed in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, in 2013-2017. The present research article takes as an object of study the homophobic bullying, one of the various aggressive behaviors observed among male students. The research sought to know the possible correlations between this aggressive behavior, the school grade and the age of the participants. In order to achieve the objective, focused on analyzing homophobic bullying and its possible correlations, we proceeded to choose a sample of 866 randomly selected students from a total population of 1,315 male students. In relation to the data collection techniques used in this research, a self-report of homophobic bullying, a student characterization questionnaire and a semi-structured interview that was done to victims of bullying were used. These techniques were subjected to validity and reliability processes.
The results of this investigation allow to infer in what school grades and at what age the first behaviors associated with homophobic bullying appear, as well as to determine the repeated aggressions that occur among students, and the feelings of those who suffer them. We believe that the findings of this research can contribute to the prevention of bullying behaviors. The research could determine that the students who are most vulnerable are those who have a diverse sexual orientation.
As pedagogues, we believe that education can and should create environments of respect and appreciation of difference, where everyone can access it, regardless of sexual orientation, gender or other social or cultural constructions.
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