Reverse logistics: a social corporate responsibility approach


  • RODRIGO ANDRÉS GÓMEZ MONTOYA Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • ALEXANDER ALBERTO CORREA ESPINAL Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • LAURA SOFÍA VÁSQUEZ HERRERA Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Reverse logistic, social and corporate Responsibility, environment, stakeholders


This article’s objective is to analyze the relationship between reverse logistics and social responsibility as a strategy to reduce the impact over the environment and increase social benefits and employee, clients and community safety. In order to reach the objectives, the reverse logistics and social responsibility topics were considered from a theoretical perspective and later on an exploratory study is held with companies for Antioquia’s Metropolitan area, allowing the use, importance and intention in the implementation of this approach. As a result from this article, it is indicated that the use of social responsibility in reverse logistics generates great benefits in the supply chain because it develops friendly practices with the environment, increasing productivity potential, company profitability and benefits to the community. The study also identifies a low level of usage of reverse logistics in companies with a total of 13% surveyed companies and an 87% of companies interested in implementing it due to the potential impact on productivity, environment and benefits to the community.


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How to Cite

Reverse logistics: a social corporate responsibility approach. (2017). Criterio Libre, 10(16), 143-158.