Government of others and government of self in the work of Michel Foucault


  • Reinaldo Giraldo-Díaz



Ethics, aesthetics of existence, care of self, genealogy of the subject


Michel Foucault carries out progressive steps towards considering the ethics of the care of self and subjectivation as aesthetics of existence. One of these steps can be reflected upon as a passage from the genealogy of morality to the genealogy of ethics or a transition from the government of others to the government of self. This article analyzes how the French thinker positions ethics as a foundation of resistance and defines it as the establishment of an increasingly autonomous subject who, in the face of government controls that take over his life and determine his life style (i.e. biopolitics and biopower), assumes a critical, non-submissive attitude. Hence, faced with a power that attempts to standardize him, the subject shapes his own existence. Ethics enables subjects to resist the powers that try to control and rule their lives and makes it possible for them to establish creative and alternative life styles that differ from normal life styles. Resisting is not possible if an ethical work of self is not in place, as the ethics of existence makes reference to a subjectivation process that opposes mechanisms of subjection in the Western world. 


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How to Cite

Government of others and government of self in the work of Michel Foucault. (2015). Criterio Libre Jurídico, 12(2), 137-149.

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