The effect of biomass moisture on heat combustion from sugarcane baggase and waste corn cob


  • Eliseo Amado González Universidad de pamplona
  • César Villamizar Quiñonez Universidad de pamplona
  • Marlon Martínez |Reina



Heat combustión, Panela, Post-harvest, Sulphur content


Heat combustion and sulfur content of sugarcane bagasse for the manufacture of panela CC 85-57, CC 85-92 CC 85-47 CC 84-75 CC 86-45, RD varieties evaluated 75 -11 and corb waste in the varieties V ICA-109, ICA V-156, V-304 ICA ICA ICA V-305 and V-507, with a moisture content of 0% (w / w), 10 % (w / w), 20% (w / w) and 30% (w / w). The results are analyzed in relation to the benefits of using varieties with lower sulfur production, increased production of waste and to be less affected by moisture.


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How to Cite

The effect of biomass moisture on heat combustion from sugarcane baggase and waste corn cob. (2014). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 11(1), 27-31.