Design and validation of learning objects made in GeoGebra for learning real math functions


  • Oscar Mauricio Mora Arroyo Universidad Nacional
  • Boris Alejandro Villamil Ramírez Universidad Nacional


Learning objects, constructionism, maths, GeoGebra


This article presents the development and resultsof research on the design and validation ofLearning Objects GeoGebra made to developintegrated units of learning in mathematics, whosegoal and purpose is to facilitate the teaching ofthe features of the graphs of some functions real(logarithmic, exponential, square root, quadratic,absolute value), improving the understanding anduse of mathematical knowledge in students. Thisresearch was exploratory and descriptive, analyzingthe impact of Learning Objects managed throughan LMS. In addition to identifying the importanceof implementing educational resources on studentlearning, the results of this research show the testperformance of students evaluated the graphs ofreal functions extra class.


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How to Cite

Design and validation of learning objects made in GeoGebra for learning real math functions. (2012). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 9(1), 102-110.