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Philosophical requirements from Abya -Yala


  • Wilson Javier Torres Puentes Secretaria de Educación del Distrito



Indigenous communities-organizations , philosophies , requirements , situated epistemology


This article is the result of the doctoral thesis in Social Studies entitled "Emergencies, Events, and Resistances in CRIC, ZAPATISTAS, and CAM, 1994-2014, 20 years of struggle of the Latin American indigenous movement." This thesis addresses various elements but interacts in the analytical process of three indigenous communities of Our America: the Zapatistas, the Nasa, and the Mapuche in Mexico, Colombia, and Chile respectively, as well as their political organizations. In accordance with the above and within the limits of this article, readers will find a methodological innovation that, for research purposes, we refer to as Situated Epistemology (SE), which is briefly presented here. Subsequently, the analysis of three texts that reveal the indigenous peoples' own thinking is addressed as part of the results or findings. This thinking serves as the framework through which they interpret and understand their concrete reality. Therefore, our study focused on the indigenous peoples of the Mexican southeast in the State of Chiapas, the indigenous peoples of the Cauca Department in southwestern Colombia, and the indigenous peoples of central Chile, specifically the Araucanía and Bio-Bio Regions.


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How to Cite

Torres Puentes, W. J. (2023). Philosophical requirements from Abya -Yala. Arista Crítica, 3, 110-120.