El derecho a la calidad de la educación

¿Del Estado educador liberal de derecho al Estado educador constitucional, social y democrático de derecho?


  • Julián Osorio Valencia Universidad Libre


Constitutional, social and democratic educational status of right, administrative or autonomic decentralization, fundamental right to education, participative social formation, governance, political legitimization


The research on The public administration of the right to the quality of education aimed to characterize the administrative practices of territorial educational development in Pereira. This systematization was displayed as a contrastive relationship between the installed practices and the administrative behavior attributable to the legal and constitutional mandate of an integral formation by competencies. The central result of the research was the characterization of the denaturalization of deliberative participation of actors and authors of the educational fact to legitimate the sector policy of education, contained in the plans of territorial development. Once the autonomic problems were highlighted, in terms of the weak institutionalization of the constitutional principle of citizen’s participation for the formative concretion of the ideal of the constitutionalized citizen and society, the appropriateness of participative planning was put into consideration, for the objectification of the articulation of the territorial plan of educational development not only with the national and local decennial plans of education that structure the national educational policy of standards and curricular guidelines by competencies, but also with the PEI, for the realization of their purposes, objectives and goals.


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How to Cite

El derecho a la calidad de la educación: ¿Del Estado educador liberal de derecho al Estado educador constitucional, social y democrático de derecho?. (2012). Verba Luris, 28, 93-105. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/verbaiuris/article/view/2202

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