Teratogenic effect of cadmium: From the developing embryo to the fetus

From The Developing Embryo To The Fetus


  • Juan Sebastián Calle Universidad Libre
  • Harry Pachajoa Universidad Libre
  • Jose Charry Universidad Libre
  • Robinson Pachecho Universidad Libre




Cadmio, teratogénesis, carcinogénesis, desarrollo embrionario


Cadmium is recognized as a toxic metal recognized by the United Nations Organization list, and also a potential teratogen in humans.

Objective: Of this study was to review the teratogenic effects of Cd in the human embryonic development from pre implantation, implantation and post implantation, and impact on the placenta and fetus.

Methodology: The levels of ingestion varies by country, being seafood and tobacco smoke the principal reported sources. This metal has a long half-life, ranging from 75 days to 26 years, and is associated in humans to many cancers.

Results: The teratogenic impact of cadmium in each stage of the developing embryo is clear in animal models, but not in humans.

Conclusions: In the pre-implantation phase it affects the progression from the two-cell stages to morula; in the implantation phase it affects the trophoblastic invasion; in post-implantation phase it affects organogenesis; in the placenta it decrease Zinc levels in the fetus. 


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How to Cite

Teratogenic effect of cadmium: From the developing embryo to the fetus: From The Developing Embryo To The Fetus. (2015). Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 5(2), 21-26. https://doi.org/10.18041/2322-634X/rcso.2.2015.4898