Hygienic-Sanitary Determinants of the School Canteens of the Child Population in Conditions of Vulnerability of the Department of Bolívar
Higiene y saneamiento, Alimentación infantil, Nutrición infantil, Buenas prácticas, Comedores escolares, Manipulación de alimentos, Salubridad, VulnerabilidadAbstract
Infant feeding is essential in the first years of life, however, there are conditions that make the prepared food not fulfill its purpose in the nutrition of infants, which could trigger diseases that are becoming more and more relevant in the systems. of health. Objective: to analyze the conditions of sanitary hygiene practices in school canteens for children in vulnerable conditions in the department of Bolívar. Method: descriptive study based on the application of a standardized instrument carried out in 23 school canteens belonging to the different public educational institutions of the department of Bolívar, Analyzing 164 aspects contained in Resolution 2674 of 2013, it was possible to establish the percentage of compliance with the sanitary concept Of the 23 canteens inspected, 11 of these obtained a favorable concept, 52% of the sample gave a favorable result with request, that is, despite the percentages of compliance with the standard, failures that require immediate improvements were detected, 17 findings negatives of which there are 4 that appear repeatedly, 2 of the 23 dining rooms are related to the conditions of infrastructure and utensils. Conclusion: the results show the necessary intervention of the 23 dining rooms and their staff; This study is the basis for establishing and implementing government policies that generate strategies to promote healthy eating of infants, guaranteeing good hygienic-sanitary practices and the provision of school canteens service under healthy conditions.
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