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Business model and image for a company in the restaurant industry in Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, México


  • Mayra Lizbeth Arredondo Espinoza Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
  • Javier Alejandro Santana Martínez Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
  • Claudia Erika Martínez Espinoza Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora



Business, Image, Restaurants, Design, Companies


The objective of this article is to develop the business model and image for a restaurant industry company in Ciudad Obregón in order for it to have a greater impact from its launch and more opportunities to stand out in the market. The method used for the business model is the Lean Canvas by Ash Maurya (2010), because its specific steps help to break down and identify the value of the brand. For the creative process of the establishment's image, the methodology The Creative Problem-Solving Process by Alex Osborn (1940) is used, since it is adaptable to the needs and creative problems encountered. As a result, the business model for the Tango Mango brand is obtained through the Lean Canvas. Once the business model and the brand's value proposition have been developed, the image is developed, considering the attributes and personality that the brand seeks to represent in the market. With the developed project, the new business idea Tango Mango favors a business model based on a structure that works to open doors to the market and achieve a graphic image according to its values, attributes and personality, which will make it stand out and position itself in the market for its innovation, style and unique essence, therefore, the implementation of the proposed action plan is essential. The contribution of this research lies in the fact of having taken into account the image of a brand from its conception as a business idea, as well as the possibilities of success in terms of positioning and scope.


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