Reflections on the models of economic integration. The case of MERCOSUR and UNASUR


  • Edgar Peñaranda Soto Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín



integration, MERCOSUR, UNASUR, development


Economic integration is a process that has been developed since the 1950s, based on the ECLAC proposal. This process has been broadly oriented toward strengthening trade relations between countries as a basis for promoting the economic and social development of nations. Based on the above, this article focuses on the postulates of MERCOSUR and UNASUR, which are integrationist models adopted by Latin American countries as a mechanism to support development in the global context. The work is based on the literature review in the field of economic integration, as well as the integration blocks under study. To this end, the study has been structured into three sections: the first presents the conceptual aspects of economic integration; In the second, the theoretical basis of MERCOSUR and UNASUR is specified; While in the third, reference is made to the conclusions of the investigation.


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