This is an outdated version published on 2016-12-01. Read the most recent version.

Trade Flow and Relation Gross Domestic Product - Population, Colombia - Chile

Norte de Santander - Santander 2010-2014


  • Fernando Enrique Brand Cámaro Universidad de Pamplona
  • Jesús Alfonso Omaña Guerrero Universidad de Táchira



Exports, Imports, flow, trade, supply, demand, protectionism, competitive


This paper is an analysis of the trade flows between Colombia and Chile over the past five years, from the period 2010 - 2014. This comparison of Colombia versus Chile is an interesting topic and a good indicator given that the Chilean economy is a of the most stable in the region and who best you can compare Colombia. The trade flow analysis provides insight into the behavior of countries regarding exports and imports, data that will allow us to determine whether the trade balance is positive or negative depending on the case. In each case we can deduce and analyze the following; when the trade balance showed a surplus means that exports were higher and that the country has the capacity to meet domestic demand and also can export, of course we also come here to discuss protectionist measures that the country has. In the case of negative balance, ie when imports are higher, is not the case, domestic production is unable to meet demand or no protectionist measures. In the case of comparing the GDP with the population, it allows us to define how competitive the country and compare it with others. For analysis of Norte de Santander - Santander, it is an important comparison taking into account the development of neighboring department, which enable us to define strengths and weaknesses well founded, given the similarity between the two departments by location and culture.


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How to Cite

Brand Cámaro, F. E., & Omaña Guerrero, J. A. (2016). Trade Flow and Relation Gross Domestic Product - Population, Colombia - Chile: Norte de Santander - Santander 2010-2014. Gestión Y Desarrollo Libre, 1(2), 33-50.