Biofuels Impact and development of alternative energy in Colombia
Energy sources, production costs, genetic processAbstract
Biofuels are new sources of energy formed by plants, animal droppings, animal and vegetable oils, among others (SAGARPA, 2008). Its creation has been launched from the moment in that the biodiesel arose. The manufacture of these products are realized with organic matter called biomass (Ecologico Si, 2013) which in the last years has increased, without taking account the factors that influence in the moment of elaboration, such as: The machinery employed, the deterioration of land and the use of genetically processed inputs. Thus, the benefits gained of biofuels aren’t equivalent against the disadvantages that generated. Accordingly, should be studied the development of other energy friendly to the environment as: wind energy, solar, hydro, which have produced positive results in other countries and these can be the basis for apply them in Colombia.
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