Value Proposition Design and Artificial Intelligence: A predictive model to secure products and services




Artificial Intelligence, Value Proposition, Learning, Innovation, Predictive Model


In an increasingly digitized and competitive business environment, the ability to design products and services that meet customer needs and are secure and personalized has become a key differentiator for organizations. This study explores the intersection between Value Proposition Design and Artificial Intelligence, proposing a theoretical and practical framework that integrates these two disciplines to optimize value creation and ensure the delivery of products and services tailored to customer expectations and needs. Methodologically, value propositions are validated using Artificial Intelligence predictive models. This technique allows for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposals before their implementation, dynamically adjusting them according to success predictions and changing market conditions. The results reveal that Value Proposition Design focuses on deeply understanding customers and identifying their tasks, needs, and expected benefits in order to develop value propositions that effectively solve their problems. By incorporating Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as machine learning and predictive analytics, this process can be automated and improved, allowing organizations to identify customer behavior patterns, personalize offers in real time, and foresee potential problems before they materialize. It is concluded that case studies and applied examples demonstrate how this combination can transform how companies design and deliver value, increasing customer satisfaction and competitiveness in the marketplace.


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How to Cite

Sarián-González, M. G. (2025). Value Proposition Design and Artificial Intelligence: A predictive model to secure products and services. Gestión Y Desarrollo Libre, 10(19).