Commercial opportunities between the republic of Colombia and Israel
Free Trade Agreement, Colombia, Israel, Agribusiness, AgricultureAbstract
This article examines the implications and impact of the implications and effects of the Colombia-Israel Free Trade Agreement, highlighting the importance of importance for the export of agricultural and technological goods. A review of previous research is carried out, identifying how the collaboration between the two countries has opened doors to significant innovations in the agricultural and technological sector; and how this treaty has allowed Colombia to face and how this agreement has enabled Colombia to address economic and social challenges by strengthening local infrastructure and investing in advanced technology. Advanced technology. It also examines the challenges and opportunities presented by the treaty, including meeting the high quality and certification standards required by the Israeli market. Certification standards are needed for the Israeli market. The results reveal that the Colombia-Israel Free Trade Agreement represents a key element in internationalization. The results reveal that the Colombia-Israel Free Trade Agreement represents a fundamental piece of the internationalization strategy of the Colombian economy, especially for the Santander region and its agricultural sector. This treaty, inspired by the principles of openness and globalization that have guided Colombian economic policy since the 1990s, promotes deeper integration of Colombia into the integration of Colombia into the world economy. Therefore, it is concluded that the Free Trade Agreement is an engine for economic growth and market and market diversification, and it also represents an opportunity to promote responsible and sustainable agricultural practices that benefit Colombia and Israel.
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