A new frontier for business model creation: Blockchain and the State Action Reward State Action





Artificial Intelligence, SARSA, Blockchain, Management, Business Modeling


The technology revolution is delivering new tools for business models and redefining the way companies operate. In this new landscape, reinforcement learning and blockchain emerge as key technologies to optimize processes and improve decision-making. Reinforcement learning, especially with algorithms such as State Action Reward State Action, enables companies to adapt to changing environments and make smarter decisions quickly. For its part, blockchain ensures data transparency and security, creating a trusted environment for transactions. The combination of machine learning and blockchain offers unprecedented potential to transform business models. By integrating the learning capabilities of machine learning with the immutability of blockchain, companies can create more efficient, resilient, and trusted data-driven systems. This synergy is opening up new opportunities to innovate and stand out in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. This research explores how this powerful combination can be harnessed to develop new business models. Through a conceptual model, it analyzes how blockchain transactions can be optimized through reinforcement learning. In an ever-evolving digital world, the ability of companies to adopt and leverage these technologies will be critical to their long-term success.


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