Status of digital transformation processes in Uruguayan companies




Automation, RPA, Digital Transformation, Processes


This article aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed update on the use of Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence in organizations and provide an overview of its evolution. In addition to investigating robotic process automation and intelligent artificial intelligence, it examines emerging trends in the tools and techniques used in automation. It identifies the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing these technologies. The study is of a mixed type. In the quantitative phase, local data, including results from the business expectations survey conducted by the firm EXANTE in April 2023, is collected. The survey is based on a multi-sector and non-probabilistic sample of 301 large and medium-sized companies operating in Uruguay, with over US$10 million turnover. On the other hand, in the qualitative phase, international information is analyzed from an article on new technologies in the workplaces of technologically developed countries. The results show that the digital transformation of organizations is a fact that is being verified in the world and Uruguay in an increasingly expansive way as more and more organizations are beginning the path of automating their processes.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, I., Rubio, J., & Budiño, G. (2024). Status of digital transformation processes in Uruguayan companies. Gestión Y Desarrollo Libre, 9(18).