Cryptocurrencies and Revenue Optimization: An Empirical Study in the Bakery Sector
Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, Entrepreneurs, Revenue, Business, Bakery industryAbstract
The present study aims to analyze the use of cryptocurrencies in the optimization of the income of entrepreneurs in the bakery sector of the Central Sector of the city of Rubio, Táchira State, Venezuela; this, due to the increase in the adoption of this type of digital asset in the country in recent years. The methodology used was that of field research at the descriptive and projective level, of a quantitative nature, whose design is non-experimental; likewise, the feasible project modality is used in the diagnosis, feasibility study, and proposal design phases. Considering the results of the diagnosis and the feasibility study, strategies are designed to contribute to reducing the lack of knowledge about cryptocurrencies in order to reduce the existing lack of use of cryptocurrencies in businesses, and thus, they can have a means that allows them to generate new sources of income. It is concluded that there is a high level of lack of knowledge on the subject, as well as an interest in this digital asset, thanks to the diversity of opportunities it offers.
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