Job satisfaction of employees of companies in the agricultural sector




Job Satisfaction, Unconventional Organizations, Agricultural Sector


This article evaluates the level of job satisfaction of employees of unconventional companies in the agricultural sector in a peripheral region of Colombia. The research is quantitative and non-experimental with a descriptive scope, for which the S20/23 Job Satisfaction Questionnaire is adapted in its most structurally complete, reduced version of the questionnaire S4/82. The instrument consists of 23 items with a Likert-type scale from 1 to 7 points, adapted and applied in the Colombian context. The population comprises 350 collaborators through the census sample in 12 non-conventional organizations of the agricultural sector in the South Colombian region, and the information is processed with the statistical software SPSS-26 and STATA. Regarding the reliability and validity of the results, a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.94 is obtained, and the relevance of the data is evaluated with the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) indicator of 0.725. In the results, it is found that the factor with the highest score is factor I. Satisfaction with supervision (6.06), factor IV. Intrinsic job satisfaction (5.87), factor II. Satisfaction with the physical environment (5.84), factor V. Satisfaction with participation (5.51), and finally, factor III. Satisfaction with the benefits received (5.33). In conclusion, organizations in the agricultural sector—non-conventional companies—require the implementation of differentiated strategies that involve salary and structural elements (supervision, participation, leadership, and benefits, among others) and allow increasing levels of job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Andrade Navia, J. M., Conde Charry, A., Gómez Fierro, A., Montealegre Romero, E., & Fierro Celis, F. (2023). Job satisfaction of employees of companies in the agricultural sector. Gestión Y Desarrollo Libre, 9(17).