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Strategic Direction: multiple case study in small and medium enterprises in the city of Medellín




Strategic Planning, Organizational Morphology, Organizational Culture, Strategy and Organizations


This manuscript aims to describe the organizational morphology and strategic planning of MSMEs in the city of Medellin, linking the articulation between strategic planning (SP) and organizational morphology (OM). The qualitative approach is used with a descriptive design under a phenomenological method, using the semi-structured interview as an instrument of information collection and the categorical analysis for the results. Seven companies from different economic sectors, MSMEs, were selected based on convenience, proximity, and easy access to information. The general results show that there are failures in the EP since it does not respond to the market requirements, and its MO is not aligned with such needs; concerning the organizational culture, it is not possible to find that there is a clear conception of its importance within the analyzed companies, since there were deficiencies in teamwork and personnel retention. From the analysis of the results, guidance is provided to MSMEs so that they can consider that the EP provides direction to the organization and can allow them to make decisions for continuous improvement; likewise, the OM can provide a corporate identity that identifies a company, thus consolidating endogenous strategies that seek the permanence of the organization in the market.


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How to Cite

Bedoya-Jiménez, M. A., & Quintero-Arango, L. F. (2023). Strategic Direction: multiple case study in small and medium enterprises in the city of Medellín. Gestión Y Desarrollo Libre, 9(17).