ENTRAMADO adheres to the guiding principles outlined in "Responsible Research Publishing: International Standards for Publishers", which was adopted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity-Singapore. The text was also published by COPE.

Authors of articles must declare that the research and construction of the manuscript have been carried out ethically by the relevant laws.


The results of the research should be clearly explained.
Authors should make public the information that supports the methodological design, procedures, informed consents, as well as the data that support the results and therefore the conclusions, with the commitment that ENTRAMADO will handle them with transparency and only for editorial and peer review purposes.


Three types of authorship are considered unacceptable: 

  • Phantom authors, contribute substantially but are not recognized (often paid).
  • Guest authors, who make no discernible contribution, but are nominated to increase the chances of publication.
  • Honorary authors are based solely on an affiliation they have with a study (director of a laboratory).

The list of authors should include only those persons who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work. The declaration of authorship should accurately reflect the individual contributions to the work. The authors commit themselves to assume the collective responsibility for the work presented and published, ENTRAMADO declines any responsibility for possible conflicts derived from the authorship of the works published in the Journal.

Other possible authorships that will be considered a problem, or that will not be accepted, are:

  • Authors who participate in a study, but are not listed.
  • Authors included after the manuscript was submitted.
  • Authors who take the ideas of others and publish an article claiming full authorship.
  • Authors who find their name on a publication without their permission.
  • Authors or co-authors who appear in two or more articles per edition.
  • Likewise, starting with the 2022 editions, articles by the same author or co-author will not be published in consecutive editions.

ENTRAMADO policies for the use of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT.

Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is unpublished and original. Authors are allowed to use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process before submission, but only to improve the language and readability of their work and with appropriate disclosure. The use of AI tools and technologies should be acknowledged and appropriately documented in the author's work.

Contributions of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and technologies to a study or the content of an article should be reported in a dedicated Methods section, or in the Acknowledgments section for article types that lack a Methods section.

When authors use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in writing, they should only do so to improve readability and language. The technology should be applied with human supervision and control, and authors should carefully review and edit the output and make every effort to ensure that it is factually correct and that the references provided reflect the claims made. AI can generate authoritative-looking results that may be incorrect, incomplete, or biased.

AI and AI-assisted technologies may not be listed as authors or co-authors or cited as authors. Authorship implies responsibilities and tasks that can only be attributed to and performed by humans.

In any case, ENTRAMADO will not accept articles whose content generated with AI is higher than 15%.


Authors should declare both sources of funding and possible conflicts of interest.

Obtaining permission

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to partially reproduce material (text, tables, or figures) from other publications. Such permissions should be sought from both the author and the publisher who has published the material.


According to Colombian constitutional jurisprudence, and following the provisions of Ruling C-1118 of 2005, intellectual creations and those related to their disclosure and dissemination, as intangible goods, have been grouped, for legal purposes, in the so-called intellectual property rights, which in turn include copyrights, industrial property rights and rights over scientific discoveries, as well as other forms and manifestations of the creative capacity of the individual.

Following the above and by the provisions of Ruling T-941 A /11, the Constitutional Court, to ensure due process, established that universities must establish clear and effective regulatory measures to detect, investigate, and drastically punish those who engage in conduct that violates copyright (plagiarism).

Plagiarism exists when a natural person attributes the work of another or when a natural person attributes the work of another, not reproducing it identically, but imitating it in its essential aspects. Thus, among other aspects, the following types of plagiarism are distinguished:

a.- Data or information not cited: It consists of the absence of reference to the sources from which the data used in the documents are obtained.

b.- Idea not cited, either specific or general concept: Use of concepts or ideas in the text without presenting who the author is, which makes them appear as the author's elaboration. It is also plagiarism when a correct quotation is made by copying verbatim and in quotation marks what the source expresses, but after the quotation presents more ideas from the same or another source, changing the order of the ideas.

c.- Direct plagiarism: When the structure of sentences is changed and content is added or deleted without acknowledging the original author.

d.- Plagiarism using a quotation: When, although the true author is acknowledged, plagiarism occurs because the original text is reproduced with only minor changes without using quotation marks or footnotes.

e- Simple plagiarism with a footnote: When quotation marks are not used even though the academic citation rules require their use and some words are slightly changed to make the passage appear different from the original.

f.- Paraphrasing as plagiarism: Paraphrasing without reference to the original paragraph is done extensively and continuously, even when the source is cited.

g.- Self-plagiarism: When the author steals from himself by duplicating or recycling previous publications of his authorship, to promote himself or increase his prestige.

Plagiarism report: The peer or peers assigned to evaluate and review the scientific article that detects plagiarism in any of its modalities will inform the Editor of such circumstance, explaining in a precise and detailed manner the fact or facts constituting the plagiarism, indicating the work or production to which the plagiarist attributes the whole or a part that is not his or hers.

General consequences for plagiarism: The author who incurs in any form of plagiarism of those referred to in this document or any other established by law, will incur a very serious offense and will generate as a consequence, the rejection of the corresponding scientific article and the sanctions that the Colombian legal system foresees in this regard.

Consequences for acts other than plagiarism: Authors who violate the responsibilities indicated in this document may be subject to warnings or rejection of their articles, depending on the seriousness of the behavior. In this particular case, the sanction will be imposed by the Editor with the prior approval of the Editorial Committee.

Sanctioning process for plagiarism: Once the plagiarism report has been received, the Editor will proceed, if he finds merit for it, to open the respective investigation using a decision in which the report will be sent to the authors denounced as authors of the plagiarism so that they may present their arguments in writing. The term for the submission of the defense will be 10 days from the date of notification to the author or authors of the work in respect of which the plagiarism was reported. The notification of the opening decision will be made by written communication sent to the e-mail address reported by the author. If the author or authors accept their responsibility for the plagiarism investigated, the action will end with a decision in which the only sanction imposed will be the rejection of the scientific article.

If the charges are not accepted, the investigation will be continued using a decision that may only be appealed using an appeal for reconsideration, in which, in addition, a term of 3 days from the date of notification will be given so that the interested parties may present or request evidence in defense of their interests. The term for the presentation of suitable, pertinent, and relevant evidence will be 10 days, which, if necessary, may be extended to 5 days.

Once the evidence phase is concluded, the decision of the investigation will be issued, in which if it is found that plagiarism has been committed, the offender or offenders will be sanctioned with the rejection of the scientific article and the impossibility of submitting scientific articles to the Journal within a period of two (2) years.

The decision may be appealed before the Academic Unit Committee of the School of Law and its procedure will be similar to the appeal procedure determined in the CPACA.

Student Work, Undergraduate thesis, Master's, or Doctoral Thesis

It is important to inform whether the manuscript was derived from a student work, undergraduate, master's, or doctoral thesis. In case of having indicated any of the options, the appropriate information of the base source should be placed as a footnote within the article; likewise, the respective bibliographic reference should be presented.

In any case, Entramado will not accept articles whose content is greater than 10% of the source work, Undergraduate Thesis, Master's Thesis, or Doctoral Thesis, published in institutional repositories or other open-access media.

Redundant or duplicate publication

ENTRAMADO does not accept previously published material -partly or completely- and will not consider for publication manuscripts that are submitted simultaneously to other journals, nor redundant or duplicated publications, that is, articles that substantially overlap another already published, in print or electronic media. It is necessary to cite and include the bibliographical references of these previous publications in the new manuscript.

It is also important to inform in the application form if the article or part of it has been previously published. Authors should be aware that failure to disclose that material submitted for publication has already been fully or partially published constitutes a serious breach of scientific ethics.

Redundant publication criteria
- Similar hypothesis
- Similar sample size
- Identical or virtually identical methodology
- Similar results
- At least one author is common in both manuscripts
- No new information or very little relevant information provided

Suppose ENTRAMADO, during the editorial process, finds falsification, omission of data, duplication of articles, or plagiarism. In that case, the original will be returned to the author with due notification to his/her sponsoring institution, research center, or university. Each article submitted to the journal will be verified with internal procedures to avoid plagiarism and duplication of articles (Software Turnitin). An author found to be plagiarizing may not submit an article alone or as a co-author for five years.

Plagiarism control will be carried out before and after peer review. If a similarity report of more than 10% is obtained in a paper, the authors will be informed by e-mail where the complete similarity report will be included. 

Responsibility for evaluators

 ENTRAMADO evaluators should be ready to resolve any concerns the editors may have about the publication of authors. They must be committed to the enrichment of the manuscript they are evaluating, a process that includes including views and data that they feel are appropriate, within the time frame stipulated by the journal.

Treat the manuscript with the commitment to confidentiality that is expected in this type of evaluation of original material: no plagiarism, retention, or copying. Evaluators must inform the editor of any conflict of interest that prevents him/her from objectively evaluating the text, which may result in a statement of estoppel.