The Romantic background of Max Scheler’s concept of religion




Max Scheler, Romanticism, Religion, Personalism, Enlightenment


In modernity, moral reflection has been influenced by orientations grounded in reason and orientations grounded in feeling. Two exemplars of these orientations are the Enlightenment and Romanticism, respectively. The development of these cultural and intelectual movements is associated with a social and political context in which demands for social and political rights were presented together with the insistence in the importance of solidarity, brotherhood and personal commitment related to the development of community. In this paper we develop some aspects of this complex cultural context and present Max Scheler’s reflections about religion as a representative perspective of the views that inherited romanticism’s reivindication of the importance of values and moral commitment against the political crises suffered by Europe at the beggining of the 20th century.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Sebastian Díaz-Arboleda, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá - Colombia

    Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá - Colombia

  • Jaime Yáñez-Canal, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá - Colombia

    Professor Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota - Colombia


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How to Cite

The Romantic background of Max Scheler’s concept of religion. (2023). Entramado, 19(2), e-9488.