Primary caregiver resilience and improvement clinic mentally ill in home care
A caregiver, is the person who takes care of the ill family member. Several studies have identified the influence that the mental or physical disorder condition of a family member has on the caregiver’s life. The purpose of this research was to contribute to generate nursing knowledge applied to the development of assistance proposals addressed to the person with mental disorder and to the primary caregiver, on the basis of promoting their resilience. Research Question: There is a relationship between resilience of the primary caregiver and clinical improvement of the person with mental disorder. Objective: To establish the relationship between the resilience of the primary caregiver and clinical improvement evidenced by the number of hospital readmission of person with mental disorder. Methodology: A quantitative, descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study was performed. Results: It was establish that 79% of the program participants showed no hospital readmissions, and 50% of caregivers showed high level of resilience, based on personal traits such as: trust and comfort with their selves. The care is mainly delegated to adult women, without training or support concerning to that role; it could also be seen that the more resilient caregivers the more value the stress as a product of be caring for. Conclusion: Half of participant caregivers developed high levels of resilience, and no significance was found in the relationship of resiliencie, with clinical improvement as measured by the number of hospital readmissions of and people with mental disorder.
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