Regression analysis of the factors affecting economic profitability of banana passion fruit production



Palabras clave:

Curuba, Modelo de regresión, Rentabilidad económica, Causalidad, Raíz unitaria


Banana passion fruit production in Colombia contributes to the development of the country’s economy as it generates income and provides raw material for the agro-based industries. Profitability is a key aspect of economic efficiency and plays an important role in farmer´s decision-making therefore; the purpose of the study was to determine the different factors affecting the economic profitability of banana passion fruit production. A descriptive, quantitative, correlational and non-experimental design was selected and a regression analysis was performed. Results showed that the stationarity, normality, homoscedasticity and nonautocorrelation assumptions were not violated; all estimated coefficients were statistically significant and consistent with hypothesized sign. As such, the independent variables contributed to explain individually banana passion fruit economic profitability.


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Cómo citar

Regression analysis of the factors affecting economic profitability of banana passion fruit production. (2021). Dictamen Libre, 29: Julio-Diciembre.

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