OLC model from its precedents under conceptual analysis and the articulation of the entrepreneurial process in the Latin American context


  • Jaime Augusto Porras Jiménez Grupo de Investigación “Administración, Emprendimiento y Educación”, Programa Administración de Empresas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Universidad Libre, Bogotá, Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7902-6478




entrepreneurial process, entrepreneurship, OLC


The study is based on a theoretical-conceptual overture that presents the foundation of the epistemological scenario of the Organizational Life Cycle OLC with the challenge of transcending epistemological scenarios, that is, referring to knowledge and learning. Simultaneously, it addresses the predominant approach of the entrepreneurial process and a complex alternative from the perspective of Latin America with a proposal to articulate the OLC model found. The methodological design of the study includes a qualitative approach, and categories of analysis related to the approaches, stages or phases of the OLC and the criteria for selecting the sample of the OLC models around which documentary and content analysis was carried out.


The results are presented referring to the relevant approaches of the OLC, the trends of the general characteristics of the OLCs, as well as six emphases of the approaches found and the findings on the most relevant disaggregated thematic emphases. Subsequently, the results of the articulation of the phases of entrepreneurship in the context of Latin America are presented to the general OLC model found and proposed, in order to advance as a pattern for subsequent studies, research, and actions and feedback related to the determination of policies and program design, as well as a management guide in organizations.


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2022-06-30 — Updated on 2023-02-23


How to Cite

OLC model from its precedents under conceptual analysis and the articulation of the entrepreneurial process in the Latin American context. (2023). Criterio Libre, 20(36), e289804. https://doi.org/10.18041/1900-0642/criteriolibre.2022v20n36.9804 (Original work published 2022)