Diagnosis of social capital in the municipalities of Chía, Funza and la Calera located in the urban edge of Bogotá, D.C.
community participation, social capital, solidarity, trustAbstract
The aim of this article is to show a diagnosis of the social capital networks of the rural population of the municipalities of Chia, Funza and La Calera, in Cundinamarca, Colombia. We used to do two surveys and six workshops with the participation of the inhabitants of fourteen selected communities. To establish the degree of dependency between variables, Chi - Square test was used which aims to determine whether two qualities or characteristics referred to individuals in a population are related. The low level of capital found is refl ected in the lack of interest of the community to actively participate in decisions that affect their well-being and confi dence both neighbors and local authorities. This situation as established in other studies related to the topic, can also be infl uenced by crimes such as murder and widespread theft, spoilage both interpersonal and institutional trust.
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