Competitive analysis for the sustainability of tourism in Colombia
Colombia, Latin America, regional development, sustainability, tourism and developmentAbstract
The purpose of this document is to provide the different stakeholders of tourism in Colombia with an objective overview of the factors associated with competitiveness and sustainability, enabling the establishment and analysis of potential management scenarios, which must be managed correctly, to obtain suitable positioning and profitability indicators in global markets. The researchers analyzed 22 geographical areas, considering a quantitative descriptive, and principal components analysis, through the use of the SPSS statistical tool. The results allow identifying that the most representative variables are the cultural, economic, marketing strategies, and infrastructure factors, therefore, they should continue to be managed with public and private resources in the framework of guaranteeing continuity and potential improvement. However, aspects inherent to the environmental area, destination management, business management, and social management should be the object of public policies with greater efficacy, efficiency, and effectiveness, to mitigate the existing gaps with other tourist destinations. Likewise, the work highlights the relevance of developing comprehensive projects at the national level, which can generate effects on the multiple variables associated with the competitiveness and sustainability of tourism in Colombia because it represents one of the most important sectors for the national economy due to its contribution in terms of wealth generation and social welfare.
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